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Click to see a map map of Galicia (East Poland/West Ukraine)

click to see list of Shtetls   Index of Shtetl's in Eastern Galicia where Turkel folks were born, married, gave birth and died

Jewish Records Indexing - Poland JRI - Poland
This area was governed by Poland between World Wars (1918-1939).
After WW2 (1939-1991) it was occupied by the USSR.
Since 1991 this area has been governed by Ukraine...

Searching for Surname TURKEL
(phonetic D-M code 395800)

Click on links below to see the results we have gotten (2001-2003)
searching each of the following shtetls:

  1. Bialystok PSA Births/Marriages 1888-99

  2. Bolechow (Stryj) PSA AGAD Births 1877-94 D1877-91

  3. Boryslaw (Stryj) PSA AGAD Births 1878-86,88,89,94-98, D1878-99

  4. Brzezany PSA AGAD Births 1864-98, Marriages 1875-97, D1870-76,82-95

  5. Chorostkow PSA AGAD Births 1830-47,57-71,74-98

  6. Chorzele PSA 1864-1897

  7. Drohobycz PSA AGAD B 1877-99 M 1877-81,84-91,93-97,99 D 1852-96,98,99

  8. Kolomyya PSA AGAD Births 1865-80

  9. Komarow Births 1826-75,77,82,84-89 Marriages 1826-59,61-73,75-77,86-89

  10. Kopyczynce PSA AGAD Births 1877-96

  11. Krakow JHI marriages 1877,93-99,1904-6,9,13,19,21,24,29
     JHI marriage banns 1892,97-99,1901-9,12-22
     JHI Progressive marriages 1919-39 banns 1897-1939
     Cemetery records

  12. Lublin 1810-1825 births
     Lublin 1850-59 Births/Marriages/Deathes + divorces
     Lublin PSA Marriages 1870-75, BMD 1876-1885, B92, M93, BMD97

  13. Lwow (Lviv/ Lemberg) PSA AGAD Births 1889-99

  14. Mikulince PSA AGAD Marriages 1877-81,83-86,88,89,91,92,94 D1874-84,86,91,92,95

  15. Nadworna PSA AGAD Births 1866-79

  16. Nowy Dwor PSA 1871-1897

  17. Ostrow Mazowiecka PSA 1862-1897

  18. Piotrkow Trybunalski BMD 1847/1883

  19. Podhajce PSA AGAD Births 1890-93,96,98,99
     Podhajce PSA AGAD Marriages 1847/99

  20. Podwoloczyska PSA AGAD Births 1877-89
     Podwoloczyska PSA AGAD D1877-96
    NOTE! no DEATH records survive, INDEX only

  21. Przemysl PSA Births 1853-1900
     Przemysl PSA Deaths 1864-99
     Przemysl PSA Marriages 1827,28,30,32,33,35,36,38-48,53,55,56,58,59,61,63-99

  22. Rozdol PSA AGAD Births 1869-96
     Rozdol PSA AGAD Deaths 1877-98

  23. Sambor PSA AGAD Births 1862-98
     Sambor PSA AGAD Deaths 1868-98, Marriages 1877-97

  24. Skalat PSA AGAD Births 1859-83
     Skalat PSA AGAD Births 1884-99 D1859-97,99 Marriages 1877-80,82-98,1900,01

  25. Stanislawow PSA AGAD Births 1864-74, 77-99 Marriages 1872-76,89-97 D1863-76

  26. Sochocin BMD 1826-1879

  27. Staszow BMD 1826-1836, 1837-56, ??

  28. Stryj PSA (Boryslaw) AGAD Births 1878-86,88,89,94-98, D1878-99

  29. Strusow PSA AGAD Births 1877-98 Marriages 1871,75 D1871-1900

  30. Tarnopol PSA AGAD Births 1861-65,69,77-79,81-83
    NOTE! records did NOT survive WWII - only the INDEX
     Tarnopol PSA AGAD Births 1866-1897
     Tarnopol PSA AGAD Marriages 1878-1897
     Tarnopol PSA AGAD Birth/Marriage 1898-99, 1901
     Tarnopol PSA AGAD Deaths 1870-76,78-92,94-1901

  31. Tarnow BMD 1848/1876

  32. Tomaszow Mazowiecki PSA Births 1882-98, Marriages 85-97, Deaths 86-91

  33. Trembowla PSA AGAD Births 1877-1891

  34. Tuszyn

  35. Warsaw Marriages 1937-39 (Glos Gminy)
     Warsaw Cemetery records

  36. Wyszkow PSA Births 1874-92 Marriages 1874-77,79-92

  37. Zalozce PSA AGAD Births 1877-1890, Deaths 1823-61,77-97
    Marriages 1854,60,62,65-69,71,72,74,76

  38. Zareby Koscielne

  39. Zbaraz PSA AGAD Births 1877-1889,91-96,98
     Zbaraz PSA AGAD Marriages 1859-1879,81-99
     Zbaraz PSA AGAD Deaths 1859-83
     Zbaraz PSA AGAD Deaths 1884-93

  40. Zloczow PSA AGAD B 1865-71,77-97,99, D1855-75,77-97

  41. Zurawno PSA AGAD Births 1877-84

ShtetlSeeker Search for towns in Central and Eastern Europe
The above records were obtained searching
JRI-Poland database, hosted by JewishGen.

Jewish Records Indexing - Poland

homepage of JRI-Poland

>> online Search JRI Poland - opens a new window the JRI-PL database <<

Indexing the 19th century Jewish vital records of
90 towns and villages in the former Galician Province
AGAD - the Archiwum Glowne Akt Dawnych
The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
Status of JewishGen/JRI-PL database builtup!
Jewish Records Indexing - Poland, Inc. is an independent non-profit tax exempt organization under section
501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible in the U.S.A.

Need Help? Contact Doron Tal 'Turkel Tribe' Web Master Copyright ©1998-2005