Passenger List Indices

New York Arrivals June 16, 1897 - June 30, 1902

American Genealogical Lending Library - Series T519-108 (Tosonottop - Twomey)

Rev. 3/1/92 by William Charles Turkel

Sorted by "Last Residence" eight different origins

Surname First
Age Profession Country Last
Paid by:
Destination Person Staying with & Relationship Arrival
Vessel Handwritten
13 Turkel Yacob -- 29 Tanner Galicia Boleslaw Self N.Y. Brother Sam Turkel, 44 Suffolk St. 5/19/1900 SS Phoenicia 67-13-203
4 Turkel Friedrick -- 34 Banker Dsow Pier Cit of USA ?? Brooklyn, NY -- 5/12/1900 SS Columbia 12-290200
14 Turkel Wolf -- ?? ?? Austria Gisdra(?) Self NY ??. 144 Orchard St. ?? ?? ??
8 Turkel Regina -- ?? Servant Austria Kolomea Brother New York Brother L. Turkel, 207 Norfolk St. 4/1/1901 SS Rotterdam 6-4-295TD
10 Turkel Moritz (over) ?? None Galicia Podwoloczycka Father Providence, RI Father Chaim Turkel, 234 Main St. 4/27/1897 SS Spaarndam A-28-13
11 Turkel Klara "over" 3 None Galicia Podwoloczycka Father Providence, RI Father Chaim Turkel, 234 Main St. 4/27/1897 SS Spaarndam 126-13
9 Turkel Pepi "over" 3(?) None Galicia Podwoloczycka Father Providence, RI Father Chaim Turkel, 234 Main St. 9/27/1897 SS Spaarndam A-28-13
7 Turkel Rosa "over" 30(?) None Galicia Podwoloczycka ?? Providence, RI ??, Chapin(?) Turkel 9-23-1897 SS Spaarndam 125-13
15 Turkel Samuel -- ?? ?? ?? Tarnapol Brother ?? Brother of B. Turkel, 88 Spruce St. 9/14/1891 SS Spaarndam 4-7-63
1 Turkel Hersch ?? ?? ?? ?? Tarnapol Bro-in-Law NYC Bro-in-Law, 159 Allison St. ?? ?? ??
2 Turkel Gusta -- 18(?) None Austria Vien Servia Uncle NYC Uncle Berl(?) Turkel, 82 Commerce St.5/13/1902 SS First Bermuda ??
3 Turkel Gitel Alica Debra, Fanney & Isaak 31 None Austria Woloskawies Self NY Parents 9/20/1900 SS Princess Irene L-27-245
6 Turkel Debra Fanny & Isaak 18(?) None Austria GaliciaWoloskawies Mother NY Mothers Parents 9/20/1900 SS Princess Irene L-22-245
5 Turkel Fanny Debra & Isaac 4 None Austria GaliciaWoloskawies Mother NY Mothers Parents 9/20/1900 SS Princess Irene l-29-245
12 Turkel Isack Debra & Fanny 11mo None Austria Woloskawies Mother New York Mothers Parents 9/20/1900 SS Princess Irene L-30-205
Note: The microfiche was often illegible and some
column headings and/or data may be inaccurate.


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